Honors Program Benefits
- Exclusive opportunities in research, leadership, community engagement, 包括年度研究研讨会和服务计划.
- Invitation to key campus events, 以及优先参加讲座和接待校园访客的机会.
- 来自查塔姆荣誉计划校友的专业指导.
- Tassel and commencement recognition.
在查塔姆,我们认为荣誉项目应该吸引你,而不仅仅是给你更多的工作去完成. 这就是为什么查塔姆荣誉课程是为你设计的,让你在专业和个人方面脱颖而出, interdisciplinary experiences.
The Honors Program Living Learning Community (LLC), located in The Julia and James Rea House, 这里有大约30名参加查塔姆荣誉项目的学生. 被选中居住在有限责任公司的学生被要求帮助发展和参与项目,并成为社区不可或缺的一部分. However, 所有荣誉学生都被邀请到有限责任公司,通过使用编程继续在课堂外学习, daily interactions with other residents, and connection with faculty, staff, and community resources.
每年,所有荣誉学生都必须参加年度服务活动(CHP Serves),并专注于该计划的一个使命,即保持会员资格. 一年级的优等生必须参加一个共同的阅读指导活动(CHP Reads); sophomore Honors students complete a research project in preparation for applying to prestigious grants and programs and career goals (CHP Researches); junior Honors students are required to attend workshops led by leaders in higher education, social justice, and across professional sectors (CHP Leads); and senior students are required to attend workshops where they share their experiences of developing their Capstone projects during the fall semester (CHP Launches).
荣誉计划的参与者作为一个团体参加整个匹兹堡的文化和教育活动. Past outings have included The Mattress Factory, Phipps Conservatory, Contemporary Craft, and an LGBTQ+ film festival.
荣誉学生将有资格获得每年为荣誉旅行奖学金预留的有限金额的资金,以抵消与旅行相关的费用, lodging, 以及参加研究会议的学生的会议费用.
以优异的成绩顺利毕业, 学生在波胆网站期间必须完成三个荣誉课程合同. In collaboration with their course instructors, 荣誉学生开发一个超出课程期望的项目,以获得有意义的严谨和专业的体验. 学生已经完成了“什么是恶”等课程的荣誉项目。, “Africa, Past and Present”, “Social Welfare and Social Justice”, "Feminist Theory", "Protest Literature", and “Negotiation and Decision-Making”.
Chatham University is now a proud member of the National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC). NCHC为我们的荣誉学生提供研讨会和资助机会.